


人力资源助理副总裁已被总裁指定接受员工的投诉, Former Employees, 以及希望举报涉嫌不当政府活动的申请人. 

Executive Order 1115 (article II, § G) defines Improper Governmental Activity, reportable as a Whistleblower Disclosure, as activity that:

  1. 是否违反了任何州或联邦法律或法规, including, but not limited to, corruption, malfeasance, bribery, theft of government property, fraudulent claims, fraud, coercion, conversion, malicious prosecution, misuse of government property, or willful omission to perform duty, or

  2. 是经济上的浪费,还是涉及严重的不当行为、无能或效率低下. For the purposes of this policy, “不当政府活动”包括对健康或安全的重大威胁以及非法命令。.

Whistleblower Policy:

  • Executive Order 1116 -根据加州举报人保护法,因披露受保护信息而遭受报复指控的报告程序.

  • Executive Order 1115 - 受保护的披露不当政府活动和/或对健康或安全的重大威胁的报告程序.

California Whistleblower Protection Action Notice  


Whistleblower Complaint Instructions

CSU Executive Order 1115:受保护的披露不当政府活动和/或对健康或安全的重大威胁的报告程序.

投诉鼓励以书面形式提交给校园校长指定的适当管理员. 投诉可向校园或行政主任提交,但必须在投诉人知道或应该知道所指控的不当政府活动后不迟于12个日历月提交. Complaints may be submitted using the EO 1115 Complaint Form, or may be submitted in writing, orally, 或匿名,但应包括以下信息:

  1. 投诉人的姓名和正规澳门平台十大赌博(i.e., mailing address, email address, and phone number), 投诉人的CSU职位、头衔或与CSU的关系(如果投诉人是第三方).
  2. 本行政令所界定的所谓不当政府活动的详细说明. 描述应包括涉嫌从事不当政府活动的雇员或官员(“被申请人”)的姓名和职务。. 
  3. 指称的不当政府活动发生的日期.
  4. 其他涉嫌不当政府活动的潜在证人, the facts known by each, and if possible, their contact information. 
  5. 任何支持不当政府活动指控的文件. 个人不应试图获取他们无权查阅的文件.
  6. 支持不当政府活动指控的文件描述, 如果实际文件不在投诉人手中.  

How do I File a Whistleblower Complaint?


Monica Ponce
Associate Vice President, Human Resources
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Welch Hall, 340
1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747
Phone: (310) 243-3771
Email: mponce@bodyworx-nw.com

To make a Complaint to the CO, 投诉必须提交给副校长, should be marked “Confidential” and addressed to:

Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
Equal Opportunity and Whistleblower Compliance Unit
Systemwide Human Resources
Office of the Chancellor
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802

Complaints may also be sent via email to EO-TitleIX-Compliance@calstate.edu


California State Auditor
P.O. Box 1019
Sacramento, CA 95812
Fax: (916) 322-2603
Whistleblower Hotline: (800) 952-5665
加州审计员不接受电子邮件投诉,但你可以 file a complaint online.


Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Instructions

CSU Executive Order 1116: Reporting Procedures for 因披露受加州举报人保护法保护的信息而遭到报复的指控.

CSU禁止任何员工对员工进行报复, Former Employees, 以及申请科罗拉多州立大学工作的申请人,因为他们已经披露了受保护的信息.

Retaliation against an Employee, former Employee, 或CSU就业申请人行使本条例规定的任何权利被视为另一个问题,并在第1116号行政命令下涵盖, 标题为《正规澳门平台十大赌博》下披露受保护信息的报复指控投诉程序》. 报复性投诉可向总统指定的适当行政官员提出, a supervisor/manager, 或校长办公室(见上面的正规澳门平台十大赌博). 报复投诉必须在最近指称的报复行为发生后12个日历月内收到.

报复性投诉可以使用 Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form and must be submitted in writing and include:

  1. The Complainant's name, position title or position applied for, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
  2. 对导致所谓报复的原始受保护披露的详细描述, 包括涉嫌参与不当政府活动的负责雇员的姓名和职务.
  3. 向其报告不当政府活动的个人姓名, and the date and manner of the disclosure.
  4. 对所指控的实际或企图采取的报复行动的描述, including the date(s), 涉嫌参与报复的雇员的姓名和职务, 并解释这些行动为何构成报复的原因.
  5. 指称的实际或企图报复行动的证人名单, including their names, positions, contact information, and the facts known by each.
  6. 支持报复投诉的任何书面证据副本.
  7. A dated, 投诉人在作伪证罪处作出的宣誓声明,证明报复投诉属实或投诉人认为投诉属实.